Ecrinal Mascara Review. The trash can gained another product. Strengthening Black Mascara with ANP2 Ampoules.
Ecrinal is a range of products especially designed to meet the needs of your nails eyelashes and eyebrows. تواجه الكثير من النساء مشكلة ضعف وتساقط الرموش والحواجب وقد يزداد الأمر سوءا عند استخدام المكياج لحل المشكلة لذلك جئنا. Reviewed in France on May 9 2014.
Reviewed in France on May 9 2014.
Hypoallergenic formula contains a combination of strengthening active ingredients to stimulate growth and instantly lengthen lashes. For under 5 it delivers clump-free volume and serious length. Hypoallergenic formula contains a combination of strengthening active ingredients to stimulate growth and instantly lengthen lashes. ANP 2 Fortifying Black Mascara 7 ml.